
Πληροφορίες και υλικό για την Baxter που βρήκε τη «Νέα γρίππη».

Baxter International Inc. (NYSE:BAX) is a global healthcare company that, through its subsidiaries assists healthcare professionals and their patients with treatment of complex medical conditions including hemophilia, immune disorders, kidney disease, trauma and other conditions. With 2008 sales of $12.3 billion, and approximately 48,500 employees, Baxter applies its expertise in medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to make a meaningful difference in patients' lives

Το βιογραφικό του προέδρου της.

Ο στρατηγός Walter E. Boomer ( γεννήθηκε στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 1938) ,71 ετών , είναι απόστρατος στρατηγός «τεσσάρων αστέρων»και μέσων , και υποδιοικητής σώματος των πεζοναυτών. Αποστρατεύτηκε το 1994, μετά από 34 χρόνια στην υπηρεσία.
Ο Boomer ήταν ο διοικητής των πεζοναυτών στις επιχειρήσεις « Desert Shield», «Desert Storm» κατά τη διάρκεια του πολέμου του Κόλπου. Ο Walter E. Boomer, είναι διευθυντής της Baxter από το 1997 και τοποθετήθηκε γενικός διευθυντής τον Μάιο του 2008.
Από το1997 ως το 2004 ήταν πρόεδρος και διευθύνων σύμβουλος της « Rogers Corporation» , που είναι κατασκευαστής «εξειδικευμένων υλικών» για «στοχευμένες εφαρμογές» , στις επικοινωνίες και τους υπολογιστές.Το 2004 συνταξιοδοτήθηκε
Και από τη « Rogers Corporation», Μεταξύ του 1994 και του 1996, ήταν αντιπρόεδρος της McDermott International, Inc. και πρόεδρος της Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group.


Recently there came scaring news from Czechia: An American Firm, Baxter Vaccines, in Austria had sent seasonal flu vaccine with living bird-flue virus H5N1– a deadly virus which is feared to mutate and bring about a worldwide pandemic some time - for human use to 18 countries. A routine test in Czechia disclosed the fatal mistake – all vaccined ferrets died! The director of Baxter has admitted that there was living avian flue virus in the vaccine – but mystery exists as to how it got there.

Now suspicion is arising that this was no mistake at all – it being impossible to mix the 2 viruses under the given procedures. Some think this was done wilfully! MSNBC 6 March, 2009 points out: “As health expert Mike Adams points out, “The shocking answer is that this couldn’t have been an accident. Why? Because Baxter International adheres to something called BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3) - a set of laboratory safety protocols that prevent the cross-contamination of materials.”

Baxter Vaccines: “Today, this economic technology of influenza vaccine production represents the most modern and reliable way to maintain high quality standards of the product and to ensure sufficient quantities of vaccines in emergency situations.

Today, we are a part of the US-based Baxter Healthcare Corporation. At Baxter Vaccines, we are on our way to be a leading force in the vaccines market.”

“The U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, is also conducting a trial with Baxter’s CELVAPAN in the United States.
In 2008 The New England Journal of Medicine published a Study Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of Baxter's Cell-Based Pandemic, Avian Flu Vaccine.”

What is Baxter Healthcare Corporation?

Official bio, 1994 DEF 14A: "William B. Graham–Age 82 Director since 1945 Term expires 1995. Mr. Graham has been senior chairman of Baxter´s Board of Directors of since 1985. Graham was a fundraiser for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in his first run for Congress in 1962. "Graham graduated from the University of Chicago i.e. the University of the Rockefellers:
Another director of Baxter´s is Vernon Loucks – a Skull-and Bonesman (Video).
Baxter´s present chairman of the Board of directors is General Walter E. Boomer , who led all Marines in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm during the Gulf War !!! He seems to direct Baxter in the same manner – only having to respond to the board once a year. His second-in-command is Devitt E. Blake, who served 33 years with Ernst & Young, a Rothschild daughter led by Matt Rothschild.
Boomer is also the chairman of directors with Rogers Corporation

Alex Jones´ Prison Planet - usually very well informed
“ Spreading bird flu would create an instantaneous surge of demand for bird flu vaccines. The profits that vaccine companies such as Baxter International could reap out of such a panic are astronomical.
The other motivation, is the fact that elites throughout history have openly stated that they want to see a world population reduction of around 80 per cent (video).

This is the depopulation programme of David Rockefellers´ Club of Rome
In 1974 Henry Kissinger (CFR , Bilderberger ) finished a report “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” to obviate an increasing danger to US security: Increasing world population and decreasing resources (Club of Rome: “Limits to Growth”). Kissinger suggested to starve populations to death who would not comply to birth reduction. This became governmental policy under Pres Ford. CIA boss, George Bush Sr. was ordered to help.

David Rivera
Howard T. Odum, a marine biologist at the University of Florida, who is a member of the Club of Rome, was quoted in the August, 1980 edition of Fusion magazine, as saying: "It is necessary that the United States cut its population by two-thirds within the next 50 years." The "Global 2000 Report,"written by former Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, was presented to President Carter, and then Secretary of State Edward S. Muskie called for the population of the U.S. to be reduced by 100 million people by the year 2050.

Throughout the world, the Club of Rome has indicated that genocide should be used to eliminate people who they refer to as "useless eaters."

In 1969 at a House Appropriations hearing, the Defense Department's Biological Warfare unit requested funds to develop, through gene-splicing, a new disease that would be resistant to treatment and break down a victim's immune system. They received $10 million (H.B. 15090)."

One investigation revealed that in March, 1976, a special federal government virus development program began producing the AIDS virus, and it was headed by Dr. Gallo and Dr. Novakhatskiy of the Ivanosku Institute in Russia. Gallo would later be investigated and found guilty of scientific misconduct, but President Clinton pardoned him.

In response to the charges that AIDS was developed as a military biological warfare weapon, in February, 1987, Army Col. David Huxsoll said: "Studies at army laboratories have shown that the AIDS virus would be an extremely poor biological warfare agent." .

Dr. Robert Strecker, a practicing gastroenterologist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology: "I don't think there is any doubt that AIDS is a man-made problem. I believe the AIDS virus was requested, predicted, produced, and deployed."

Strecker's research indicated that the AIDS virus was developed by the Frederick Cancer Research Facility of the National Cancer Institute, in cooperation with the WHO, in their laboratories at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
In the aftermath Dr. Strecker's brother and Illinois State Representative Douglas Huff, a very vocal supporter of Dr. Strecker's work to publicize the AIDS cover-up, were found dead.

1.If the AIDS virus had originated with the monkeys, then the disease would have surfaced with the Pygmies, who are closer to them, and use them as a food source, yet, it appeared first in the cities. Further damaging evidence comes from the fact that AIDS occurred almost simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil, and Central Africa.

2. In 1972, there was a vaccination program for smallpox in Africa by the WHO,. On May 11, 1987, the London Times ran an article called "Smallpox Vaccine 'Triggered AIDS Virus'" linking the mass vaccination program of the World Health Organization in the 1970's to the outbreak of AIDS, because Central Africa was the focus of the program and has become the most affected area in the world.

3. In 1978, the killer disease struck with a vengeance within the homosexual community. The evidence points to the introduction [via] an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine.

In 1978, more than 1,000 [promiscuous homosexual] adult males received an experimental vaccination against Hepatitis B, which was sponsored by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC), whixh in 1984 admitted that 64% of those vaccinated against Hepatitis B were infected with AIDS. These Hepatitis vaccine studies are now in the possession of the Justice Department in Washington, DC.

4. Indeed AIDS virus has been spread wilfully

In 2006 it was revealed that Bayer Corporation had discovered that their injection drug, which was used by hemophiliacs, was contaminated with the HIV virus. Internal documents prove that after they positively knew that the drug was contaminated, they took it off the U.S. market only to dump it on the European, Asian and Latin American markets with US Government permission, knowingly exposing thousands, most of them children, to live with and die of the HIV virus. Video
Comment: Bayer is one of the 3 daughters derived from the splitting of the I.G. Farben where Rockefellers´ Federal Reserve, Bank (Chase) Manhattan and Standard Oil were heavily involved and so financed the Holocaust (Zyklon B. e.g.) – the other 2 being Hoechst and BASF . Here is more on that.

Here is a reference to a paper by The US Airforce from 1996 – predicting for 2009 a world wide flu epidemic like in 1918. Unfortunately the relevant chapter 5 of the report has been deleted!!

F. William Engdahl, Global Res. Aug. 14, 2008 : There is reason to believe that sections of the international pharmaceutical industry cartel are acting in concert with the US Government to develop a genetically modified H5N1 virus substance that could unleash a man-made pandemic, perhaps more deadly than the 1918 ‘Spanish Influenza’ pandemic claiming up to 30 million lives – (and gave the US a quick victory in WWI.)

"Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu has already been created through genetic engineering in the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, with the DNA of the innocuous H5N1 virus”.

The US Government has been financing the development of a vaccine against H5N1 on a "fast track" basis since 2004.

On July 2, 2008, the London Daily Telegraph newspaper reported, "Three Polish doctors and six nurses are facing criminal prosecution after a number of homeless people died following medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird-flu virus."

On April 28 of 2008 in an official Press Release from Sanofi Pasteur US headquarters in Swiftwater, Pennsylvania and Lyon, France, the company stated, that the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have accepted H5N1 bulk vaccine antigen to produce approximately 38.5 million doses of vaccine to protect against a new strain of avian influenza.

Then, on June 16 of this year, Sanofi Pasteur issued the following release announcing that it will, "donate 60 million doses of H5N1 vaccine to the World Health Organization (WHO) over 3 years for the establishment of an H5N1 vaccine global stockpile."


A. Highly professional Baxter Vaccines claiming to be leading in the world does not observe the basic rules and mixes seasonal flu vaccine with living avian flu virus – a cocktail able to bring about 1. deadly avian flu
2. clinical mutation to create a world wide deadly pandemic. This does seem to be wilful B. The leader of Baxter Medicare Corporationwas the supreme commander of the US Marines during Gulf War I. It was the Navy's Biomedical Research Laboratory which started the AIDS virus research back in 1961 (David Rivera).
C. The Rockefeller Club of Rome as well as the US government has accepted the idea of depopulation. The FDA knew about Bayer´s HIV infected Hepatitis B vaccine and infusion fluids – but accepted Bayer sending it oversea to kill thousands of hemophiliacs.
D. In the 1990es the UN World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation , the Rockefeller Population Council , the World Bank and USA´s National Institutes of Health were behind a tetanus vaccination campaign of women aged 15–45 years. The vaccine provoked abortions (choriogonadotropin). Boys and men were excluded from the programme!
E. The US Government is hoarding vaccines – a great benefit for Bilderbergers like the former Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld and George Shultz, who are both on Pharma Corporation boards .
F. But the most convincing argument for a planned future biological warfare is the order of about 100 million doses of H5N1 vaccine - a specific enough to trigger a worldwide pandemic if these doses are as Baxter´s! b. Viruses mutate constantly! However, here we are being told about a new strain. How can they be so certain that exactly this strain will ever appear – unless they have made it themselves for their own use. For today avian flu is very rare

Μία παρέα είναι όλοι.
Αν πάρεις μετοχές ποτέ της εν λόγω εταιρείας, θα έχεις το προνόμιο να συναντάς τον CEO που κουμαντάρει τα λεφτάκια σου μόνο μία φορά τον χρόνο!!!!
New management....
Υπάρχει και μία άλλη εταιρειούλα τη Cytyc Corporation. Και εκεί ο στρατηγούλης. Εκείνη βέβαια παίρνει συμβόλαια από τον Αμερικανικό Στρατό. Για την υγεία των υπερασπιστών της δημοκρατίας στον πλανήτη πάντα..... Για αυτό άλλωστε δεν τον θέλουν οι εταιρειούλες;.....
Από εδώ φημολογείται ότι κλάπηκαν κάτι ιούληδες πριν από λίγο καιρό.
Επίσης το ευαγές αυτό ίδρυμα που υπερασπίζεται βιολογικώς την δημοκρατία σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη έχει κατηγορηθεί ως ο χώρος κατασκευής του AIDS. Επισήμως ισχύουν αυτά : http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/fort-detrick.htm
και φυσικά... οι marines στην γειτονιά του.

Εκεί που λέτε συστεγάζεται και το NCI που κάνει business με την Cytyc του στρατηγούλη μας, για να γεμίζει και το τσουκάλι καθημερινώς πάντα.

Έχω όμως την αίσθηση, όπως όλοι οι φαντασιόπληκτοι συνηθίζουν, ότι το ψαχνό είναι η Cytyc.
Δεν ξέρω...αυτό ο μουλωχτός χαρακτήρας της με μπερδεύει ρε παιδί μου. Και είναι και ο ο καρκίνος στην μέση....και κάτι παραμυθένιες φήμες που είχα ακούσει μικρό παιδί....για ένα ζευγάρι που απήχθη...... εμβόλια. θεραπεία....αρρώστια...ξανά θεραπεία......τέλος πάντων...θα πρέπει να περιορίσω το κρασί που πίνω.

Την γνώμη μου την ξέρεις για το όλο θέμα.... δεν το βλέπω σαν ξεκλήρισμα , ούτε σαν κονόμα , αλλά σαν psycho op με σκοπό την ενίσχυσης της παγκόσμιας συνείδησης. Μπορεί να είναι η φαντασία μου βέβαια. Θεωρία είναι...

Αν το έβλεπα από την δικιά σου οπτική, επικεντρώνοντας στον ιό , θα το έβλεπα σαν ένα test spread. Δοκιμάζουμε ένα συγκεκριμένο μηχανισμό εξάπλωσης και την αποτελεσματικότητα των αντιδράσεων σε αυτόν σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα, σε πραγματικές συνθήκες. Μηχανισμός βέβαια μέσω την βιολογικής μηχανικής μπορεί να γίνει κόπια σε ότι κατασκευαστεί. αν έχει αποτελέσματα.....που από ότι φαίνεται δεν πήγε καλά μέχρι στιγμής.....

Πέρα από όλα αυτά....εγώ κρατώ αυτό που έλεγε ένας παλιός Έλληνας πολιτικός που του έκοβε ..Έλεγε να κοιτάμε την "καραμπόλα" και όχι την μπίλια....


ΥΓ. Εγώ πάντως δεν θα είχα καμιά απορία αν ο Ματαφιάς είχε αναλάβει την διοίκηση του ΕΟΦ.

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ΤΑ βοθροκάναλα δεν μιλάνε για το οργανωμένο σχέδιο των εμπρησμών στο Λος Αντζελες

  Μέχρι στιγμής 11 νεκροί ,10.000 καμένα   κτίρια και   180.000 άστεγοι. Οι ζημιές είναι πάνω από 150 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια.  ΥΓ. Μόνο 20 ά...