
'Ενα συγκλονιστικό Ντοκουμέντο. Το (αντιφασιστικό) ψήφισμα 373/74 που χαιρέτιζε τον Αττίλα


Situation in Cyprus and       in the Eastern Mediterranean                  area 

Resolution 573 (1974)

Author(s): Parliamentary Assembly Origin:Text adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf  of the Assembly, on 29 July 1974. See Doc. 3464, report of the Political Affairs Committee.

The Assembly,

1. Recalling that the aim of the Council of Europe is to                                       "achieve a greater unity between its Members for the purpose   
 of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which 
 are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and 
 social progress", and to promote peaceful cooperation among  
all nations;
2. Condemning the coup d'état carried out in Cyprus by  
officers owing allegiance to the Greek military dictatorship;
3. Regretting the failure of the attempt to reach a diplomatic 
 settlement which led the Turkish Government to exercise  
its right of intervention in accordance with Article 4 of the  
Guarantee Treaty of 1960;
4. Bearing in mind the resolution passed by the  
United Nations Security Council on 20 July 1974,  
the reactions of the countries directly involved in the conflict, 
which have agreed to meet in Geneva, and the common 
 position adopted by the member states of the European  
Community and the NATO Council,
5. Expresses the hope that the three signatory states of the  
Treaty of Guarantee can reach early agreement in Geneva  
on a permanent ceasefire and a fair, lasting and peaceful 
 settlement of the Cyprus problem, which should take 
 account of the legitimate needs and rights of the two  
communities of the island and of the vital interests of the 
 countries concerned by the conflict, and would contribute to 
 the elimination of the main causes of friction between the
 two communities, as well as between Turkey and Greece;
6. Considers that the two ethnic communities in Cyprus 
should be fully associated with all negotiations concerning 
the future of the island;
7. Calls upon the signatory states to guarantee the
 sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Cyprus, 
including an improved status, guaranteeing the security and 
the rights of the Turkish community, as well as the political 
independence of a democratically governed Cyprus, 
as laid down when Cyprus became independent in 1960;
8. Calls in particular for:
the re-establishment of human rights and fundamental                                      freedoms; respect and a formal guarantee of the rights                                               of the ethnic communities, in order to assure a lasting peace              between the Greeks and Turks of the island; the holding of free and                   democratic elections as soon as possible;
9. Hopes, in particular, that the Government of Turkey and  
a future democratic Government of Greece 
will cooperate closely in finding common solutions 
 for the political future of Cyprus as well as for other problems in the Eastern Mediterranean area;
10. Looks forward to welcoming in the very near future 
a parliamentary delegation including Greek and Turkish 
 representatives of the Cypriot population;
11. Warmly welcomes the replacement of the Greek 
 military dictatorship by a civilian government, 
the liberation of political prisoners, the liquidation 
of concentration camps and the abolishing of censorship 
as important steps towards a restoration of parliamentary 
12. Looks forward to welcoming Greece back into the 
Council of Europe as soon as she has returned to democracy 
in accordance with the Assembly's Resolution 558 of January 

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