
Η λιπόθυμη «Δημοκρατία» της Βάρκιζας

Η μανδάμ Αικατερίνη, μας δήλωσε οτι  υποστηρίζει τα δικαιώματα των κοινωνικών ομάδων και οτι αντιτίθεται σε  κάθε είδους ανισότητες και αποκλεισμούς.
Επομένως συμπαρίσταται και συμπαρατάσσεται  με την κοινωνική ομάδα των  εμπρηστών αυτοκίνητων, που αντιτίθενται όπως και εκείνη σε  κάθε είδους ανισότητες και αποκλεισμούς.

 Η Λιπόθυμη Δημοκρατία της Βάρκιζας, και τα βοθροκάναλα της ψωροελίτ , προσπαθούν με «διάλογο» στο πλαίσιο της Εθνικής Ομοψυχίας,  μια τρομοκρατική πράξη να την κατατάξου,ν ως μια «υπερβασία», («υπερβολή»),  του «κοινωνικού διαλόγου»

  Οι εμπρησμοί αυτοκίνητων είναι  τρομοκρατικές ενέργειες που απειλούν την ζωή και την περιούσια των πολιτών. Αλλά, η λιπόθυμη Δημοκρατία της Βάρκιζας επιμένει στην «εθνική Ομοψυχία» με τους τρομοκράτες, τους οποίους οι  αριστεροί δικαστικοί τους στέλνουν στο σπίτι τους και όχι στη φυλακή.   

5 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...


January 23, 2020

There are no pictures or video from inside the event. Almost as if this is some kind of secret meeting between the Jews and various world leaders.

Israel is having their “Big 75” this week, and all of the world’s leaders are gathering to wish them well on going 75 years without any major world power trying to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Leaders also enjoyed lectures on how they are evil goyim who are filled with hatred, how all goyim are the same as Adolf Hitler and how it is the duty of every goyim country on earth to protect Jews for their own populations.

The event is being celebrated at the same time the Chinese are opening up the Year of the Rat.

Which pretty anti-Semitic of the Chinese.

They should have changed the animal this year to something other than a rat, because 6 million – or 5.6 to 5.7 million – Jews were made into soap.

Ανώνυμος είπε...

No-Titty Teen Retard Greta Goes Apeshit at Davos, Demands the World Meet Her Demands


Even if you believe in this idiotic global warming hoax, Greta Thunberg should be immediately viewed as a repulsive freak. This should be the visceral reaction to just seeing this stupid no-titty retard whine.

I will tell you this: if she we up on stage promoting a Forth Reich and masturbating Jews to death, I would be like “I agree with what she’s saying, but I don’t want anything to do with that disgusting mutant.”

And yet, 100% of the global warmers have gotten on board her circus train, and somehow think it makes sense that their leader is a bug-eyed abomination.

Ανώνυμος είπε...


global warming is a hoax.

It simply is not real. It is a part of a social-engineering program to psychologically manipulate Western people into accepting capital globalism and local western austerity.

This little retard is saying that the whole world is ending and we have to act within hours if we’re going to save ourselves from burning up.

And yet, when she was finally confronted about China and India – number 1 and 3 on the list of highest CO2 emitters, respectively – she said that these countries “need to be given a chance to catch up.”

Firstly and most obviously, this completely disproves the entire hoax, because if we were really facing an apocalypse, we wouldn’t be talking about “oh well, it’s okay, we can let the number one emmiter of this toxic gas that’s going to kill us all keep doing it for a while.”

China emits fully 150% of what the US emits

Chinese cities all look like something out of Blade Runner, while the US is being driven to third world status by massive nonwhite immigration.

Three of the wealthiest top ten cities in the world are in China.

The fact that Greta takes this position of China denialism gives the lie to her entire racket.

She isn’t talking about “science.”


Ανώνυμος είπε...

Σπυρο η φρεσκια ζωντοχηρα τελικα το πνιγει το κουνελι με την ιδιαιτερα της;

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Η φρεσκοζωντοχήρα τό τρίβει τό πιπέρι.....
είχε ακουστεί μέ γνωστή τηλε-γυμνάστρια πού εδώ
καί χρόνια διαμένει πέραν τού ατλαντικού.....