

Η Ομιλία του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίου
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Ανώνυμος είπε...

‘We are citizens of Turkey’

Patriarch Bartholomew, whose initiatives include advancing religious tolerance among the world’s religions have been widely noted, although received with suspicion by some in Turkey, said the number of the Greek-Turkish citizens living in Turkey is decreasing every day.

“Democratic initiatives will prevent the rest from leaving,” the patriarch said.

“It is sad to hear that our foundations have been referred as ‘foreign.’ We are Christians but we are born here and we were raised here. I was born in Gökçeada. I love my country and village. I did my military service for two years. I pay my taxes. Our only difference is our religion. But we are equal citizens under the Constitution.”

26 November 2009, Thursday
Comments on this article

zahra , Nov 26 2009 11:43, Thursday

ALL are EQUALS but Some are more equals that others, when it comes to the very facts that the christian west been treat...

zahra , Nov 26 2009 11:42, Thursday

ALL are EQUALS but Some are more equals that others, when it comes to the very facts that the christian west been treat...

Christoph , Nov 26 2009 03:14, Thursday

Utterly appalling how religious minority groups were targetted by non-democratic, reactionary forces in Turkey. This unl...

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