
Το “βαλκανικό” σχέδιο των σάιεντολόγων με την ονομασία Bulgravia



Το πρόγραμμα BULGRAVIA των “Sciento-λόγων”, εκπονήθηκε από στελέχη "Αμερικανικών και σιωνιστικών συμφερόντων", και αποσκοπεί στον έλεγχο μιας γεωγραφικής περιοχής... που θα λειτουργεί συνολικά, ως κέντρο για “παραγόμενες πολιτικές”. Μια γεωγραφική περιοχή ,(μέρος της Αλβανίας, τα Σκόπια, την Βουλγαρία (περιοχές της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας) και τις περιοχές της Μακεδονίας και της Θράκης), που ήταν ενιαία στα χρόνια της οθωμανικής αυτοκρατορίας πριν την εμφάνιση δηλαδή, του ελληνικού κινήματος εθνικής αναγέννησης,και πριν τους βαλκανικούς πολέμους. Το σχέδιο αυτό έχει μπεί σε εφαρμογή από το 1992 και ξεκίνησε από την περιοχή της Αλβανίας...!

WISE” θα πεί: World Institute of Scientology Enterprises

Μια ενδιαφέρουσα αλληλογραφία


Gerhard Haag
December 4, 1992
Dear Sirs: t is my pleasure to have this opportunity to give you fantastically Good News from my short trip to Albania. It is a land with a newly-established democratic government, which opens up new horizons for us. We will have a noteworthy advantage in making investments and establishing production.

Enclosed you have received a compilation of a few important facts about the country. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

I have already made preparations with a commerce and construction company. They will shortly be asked into Tirana. This firm will build a Commercial Center with hotel complex right in the middle of downtown Tirana. One of our next goals is to found a private bank in Tirana.
I will gladly arrange the opportunity with you and other WISE members, in order to see, how we can cooperate with this and other projects. For that purpose I have arranged for a conference in Tirana 26-28 December 1992. You and 29 other WISE members are invited. I am looking forward to hearing your reply soon.

P.S.: Since I am mostly away, you can also contact our project office, which I have established with my partner, Mr. Reinhold Stricker. At the moment you can reach it at:
CCI INSTITUT, Schloss Philippseich, 6072 Dreieich
Telephone 06103-85001, Fax:-87726

General Information about Project Albania

In the summer of '92 major opinion leaders from Albania have requested help from WISE international. WISE became active and ready in November started a course of 30 students at the University of Tirana. Tirana is the capitol of Albania. There are further requests for the expansion of Hubbard Management Technology in Albania.

It has been promised on Albanian national television that the land will be led to new heights with the help of LRH Admin Tech. Now this must be delivered.

Several WISE members visited Albania at the end of November 1992, in order to find out what was needed and wanted, and in which areas cooperation and activity will be needed.
One of the first visitors was Gerhard Haag (CEOs Circle Member) and his partner Reinhold Stricker. They visited various ministries and experienced immediate cooperation in all.
The establishment of a construction and commerce firm, ALBANIA BUILDING & TRADE, was started on the spot. This company will arrange the most needed buildings for various purposes: residence, commercial and production as well as others.
Gerhard Haag and Reinhold Stricker have planned to call further foundations and projects into being.

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