Η Ιουδαϊκή ημέρα της γης σήμερα
Μην ξεχνιομαστε....ημέρα της γης σήμερα...
Για δες καιρό που διάλεξαν να απεργησουν οι δημοσιογράφοι...ποιος θα ευαισθητοποιήσει το πόπολο για σβήσιμο φώτων ;
Στα Σκόπια που έχουν άλλου είδους προβλήματα ένωσαν τις δυνάμεις τους η UNDP του ΟΗΕ, οι πράκτορες της USAID και η Πρεσβεία της Σουηδίας, για να τιμήσουν την Ημέρα της Γης 2016 με τη φύτευση δέντρων στην αυλή του δημοτικού σχολείου "Παρθένιος Ζωγράφος". ("Partenij Zografski").
3 Jewish Values for Earth Day
Rabbi Evan Moffic
Congregation Solel Rabbi
Protecting our planet is not just a scientific or political issue. It is a religious, spiritual imperative. We find this truth embodied in three core Jewish values.
The first is captured in the Hebrew phrase l’dor v’dor, the imperative that we pass on our earth “from generation to generation.” This imperative goes back all the way to Adam and Eve.
The Bible tells us that God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to “till and tend.”
The Hebrew words have specific connotations. The Hebrew word for “tend” is used Jewish law to imply a legal sense of guardianship.
In effect, God has made us trustees of the earth. Part of our obligation is to keep it in good condition for the benefit of future generations.
The second critical value is bal tashchit. In Hebrew that means “do not destroy.” It is a religious value that also goes back to the Bible.
In the book of Deuteronomy, the Israelites were specifically commanded not to destroy the fruit-bearing trees of an opposing city when in battle. The sages saw this law as an example of a broader imperative. They extended it to peacetime as well as war, other objects as well as trees.
The broader imperative is this: We don’t have a right to destroy anything of potential human benefit, even if it is our own property.
Why I Never Throw Anything Out
How might this work in our lives?
Let’s say we are moving, and we have a usable table and chairs that we don’t really need any more. We might think we can dispose of it as we would wish.
Jewish law, however, tells us that we may not. We are obliged to seek its further usage — by giving it away or selling it — rather than destroying it. To destroy it would violate our role as stewards of what ultimately belongs not to us, but to God
The final critical value is shomrei adamah, which means “guardians of the earth.”
As human beings, we are endowed with great power. Unlike other animals, we can manipulate nature. This has enormous benefits: technology, buildings, civilization. But it also has dangers: war, pollution, disease.
With our enormous power comes significant responsibility.
Foremost among them is sustaining our world. That means we have the responsibility to do what we can to conserve energy. That means we have the responsibility to speak out for laws that curb waste and pollution.
Tu B'Shvat (the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat, which is today) is known as the "birthday of the trees" to Jewish children around the world. It has become a little bit like Jewish Earth Day, with tree-planting as the main event.
Compared with other Jewish holidays, many of which commemorate freedom from oppression or a covenantal pact between the Jewish people and the Creator, Tu B'Shvat may seem a little, well, light.
But, in fact, Tu B'Shvat has a meaning deeper than the seeds that we may plant on that day. Looking inside the Torah, we find that there is a profound linkage between man and trees. Right in the beginning, in the first chapter of Genesis, we learn of the interconnectedness of man and nature.
Judy Gruen
ΥΓ. Όσοι δεν τα βγάζετε πέρα με τα αγγλικά δοκιμάστε το μεταφραστή.
Γράφει ο Σπύρος Χατζάρας . Η ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΧΟΡΗΓΟ. Ανένδοτος για να φύγουν οι Ψεύτες,οι κλέφτες,και οιΠροδότες.«Ου δη πάτριον εστί ηγείσθαι τους επήλυδας των αυτοχθόνων….»...
1 σχόλιο:
Αποκρυφιστικη τελετη υπερ του δαιμονος της γαιας και των δρυιδων.
Κατα τα αλλα μουφα η κλιματικη αλλαγη λογω υπερθερμανσης.
Πλερωνετε γιδια εσαει φορο στο ρευμα για διοξυδια του ανθρακα θυσαυρου.
Ερχεται και το ενεργειακο πιστοποιητικο για τα σπιτια, τρεμε ενφια!!
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