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Φυσικός νόμος ορίζει ότι αν η συμπίεση φθάσει το κρίσιμο
σημείο, τότε γίνεται άμεση αυτοσυμπίεση, δηλαδή, έκρηξη, και ο
νοών νοείτω.
Χρίστος Αθανασόπουλος
Γράφει ο Σπύρος Χατζάρας . Η ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΧΟΡΗΓΟ. Ανένδοτος για να φύγουν οι Ψεύτες,οι κλέφτες,και οιΠροδότες.«Ου δη πάτριον εστί ηγείσθαι τους επήλυδας των αυτοχθόνων….»...
Εγγραφή σε:
Σχόλια ανάρτησης (Atom)
Η ΑΙΝΟΣ επειδή ειναι μικρή και έχει μικρότερο κόστος πουλάει πολύ πιό φθηνα από τον Ανταγωνιστή της Μπαρμπαστάθη που εχειαγοραστεί από πολ...
1 σχόλιο:
Αξιζει να ψαξετε ποιος ηταν ο John Buchan και να διαβασετε τα εργα του, ειδικα το "Τhe Power-House" - υπαρχει ελευθερα στο διαδικτυο. Αποκαλυπτουν πολλα για τους "Αθεατους".
Απο τη νουβελα του τα "39 Σκαλοπατια" του που εγινε αργοτερα ταινια απο τον Χιτσκοκ:
"I am giving you what he told me as well as I could make it out. Away behind all the governments and the armies there was a big subterranean movement going on, engineered by very dangerous people. He had come on it by accident; it fascinated him; he went further and then he got caught. I GATHERED THAT MOST OF THE PEOPLE IN IT WERE THE SORT OF EDUCATED ANARCHISTS THAT MAKE REVOLUTIONS, BUT THAT BESIDE THEM THERE WERE FINANCIERS WHO WERE PLAYING FOR MONEY. A clever man can make big profits on a falling market, and it suited the book of both classes to set Europe by the ears. He told me some queer things that explained a lot that had puzzled me – things that happened in the Balkan War, how one state suddenly came out on top, why alliances were made and broken, why certain men disappeared, and where the sinews of war came from. The aim of the whole conspiracy was to get Russia and Germany at loggerheads. When asked Why, he said that the anarchist lot thought it would give them their chance. Everything would be in the melting-pot, and they looked to see a new world emerge. The capitalists would rake in the shekels, and make fortunes by buying up wreckage. Capital, he said, had no conscience and no fatherland. Besides, the Jew was behind it, and the Jew hated Russia worse then hell".
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